we were all born within the burning heart of an ancient star


Astrology is the practice of noticing the movement of celestial bodies and contemplating their connection to the experiences of earthly existence. The nature of how astrology works is a philosophical argument that has been waged for thousands of years. And still, the blissfully ambiguous answer is cradled in the mystery from which our universe and all of us have sprung.

I tend to believe that astrology is more reflective than causal in nature. By reflective, I mean the ancient Hermetic saying “as above so below” — that what happens in exponential scales both large and small, and between this and other worlds is reflected in each other. It’s why we see massive bodies in space that remind us of the tiniest structures within molecules. Or why a natal chart can so accurately speak to the story of someone's life. In the vastness as in the infinitesimal, the mystery persists.

Many people today long to “reconnect with nature” as if they were something apart from nature altogether. The truth is that we were all born within the burning heart of an ancient star which unites us not only with each other but with every glittering point and wandering body in our universe. Our souls yearn to follow the thread back to our celestial wombs.

Humanity has come to know and understand many things about our world and the universe but, for all we comprehend, the immensity of the mystery is so much bigger. It has become harder for modern humanity to connect with their innate wilderness, to revel in the enigma of it all, to be comfortable with the simultaneous knowing and not knowing. Surrendering to that dissonance can feel terrifying, but it is just the excitement of our spirit vibrating to the truth and beauty of these mysteries.

“In the vastness as in the infinitesimal, the mystery persists.”

It is no coincidence that the stars today have seemingly grown dimmer. As technology proliferates and artificial light grows brighter, it hinders our ability to glimpse the extent of the cosmos, to gaze, starry-eyed into the night sky. As we turn more toward the ever-present glow of the screen, our souls long for humanity's most loyal and longstanding nighttime companion: the glittering vastness of our universe staring back at us.

Growing up in Hawai’i, I learned from a young age to respect the ocean. Respect it for its great powers to both heal and harm. To respect the ocean is to always be turning towards it, to be aware of the patterns of waves so they can never catch you off guard.

Life is an endless ocean of waves, with peaks and troughs of suffering and joy. Occult tools like astrology, alchemy, magic, and tarot give us a tool to see the waves as they come, to anticipate the energy, and to open our eyes to what may come so we can know whether to hop and glide over the wave or dive deeply beneath it. Either way, we avoid being smacked unwittingly from behind.

I utilize these ancient practices to decipher an energetic roadmap of what lies ahead in your unique life. I cannot take away the pain of life, the suffering that is the inseparable complement to joy, but I can help you to see that existence is a constant fractal cycle of creation and destruction - birth, growth, decay, and death. If we can see the type of energy that needs to manifest, we can harness those energies to work for us rather than against us. I’d love the opportunity to serve as a guide to help your hand reach that cosmic tether, to help pull your spirit home.


remote via zoom with the option to record your session.

we’ll gaze lovingly at your personal solar system with the goal of exploring the reality of your existence and identifying areas of strength and challenge. We’ll also look towards the future and what areas of life and energies are manifesting in the coming 3-6 months.



A visual guide to your divine story

For visual people, storytellers, and those who love films, pictures, and books, tarot is an ideal divinatory practice that utilizes an unusual deck of playing cards. Originally developed in medieval Northern Italy as a game, the Tarot was adopted by 18th-century occultists for cartomancy (divination with the use of cards).

The iconic images you may be familiar with are based on the deck that so many practitioners (including myself) use. The Rider-Waite-Smith deck was designed by A.E. Waite, and Pamela Coleman Smith in 1909. Both members of the notorious secret society, The Order of the Golden Dawn, Waite and Coleman-Smith based the imagery on visual symbols and archetypes borrowed from gnostic traditions rooted in ancient Egypt, Hellenistic astrology, Christian iconography, and the Hebrew Kaballah. The first time I handled the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck I knew I had experience with it in a former life.

Tarot is a great resource for all sorts of queries. I find it especially useful when you feel stuck or confused about something in life. Often, the cards will provide you with a path forward and will affirm your instincts to pursue your highest purpose.

remote via zoom with the option to record your session.


60 minute tarot

year ahead forecast

Perfect for birthdays and New Years (Gregorian, lunar, or Hebraic)
